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Monday, September 15, 2008

Term 3 week 7:copyright

copyright should be asked from the owner of the thing before you take or you will be jailed or fined up to more than 20 thousand.i think if i pay that amount.i would be bankkruptby now.whenever i want something ,i would ask the owner.but if i don't know the owner i would not take it .so ,please act as me!

Wednesday, August 20, 2008

term 3 week 8:national day

i am going to talk about my national day celebration which took place in my school.the p5 and p6 went to the cross country at sembawang park.we even ran for 2 km.i was running with my friend,who is in class 5.5 name is jemimah.we were friends for the previous 2 years.we ran and i got 8th position and she got9th position.we were very proud our friends.

Wednesday, July 23, 2008

tem 3 week 5:sleepy kids

hi everyone.i think i only need 8 hours of sleep because i sleep at ten and wake up at six.on weekends,i wake up at nine,take my shower,pray and of course study!once i finished i will go on a family day out with my family.that is how i spent my days.so kids out there what do you do?


Tuesday, July 15, 2008


hi everyone!i am keerthigah as you all know.i hope your teacher has spoke and explained to you about cyberbullying.and it could be either in the net or outside or alone at home.firstly,the net means you were chatting and you tell a stranger your address and the phone numbers means you are in a grave danger .just joking.i hope you all did not do such things.because if you did please try to stop it.that is my advice.thank you for your time to read my blog.

Wednesday, July 9, 2008

Term 3 week 3:The right use of 999

today i am here to talk abou the right use of 999.if we misuse the call of the police,people who really need their hhelp will not be able to contact the police,and the police would be delayed to enter their problems.that would be bad dun you think so.and u will be in jail if you misuse it.


Term 3 week 1:Netiquette

hi everyone.i am here to talk about netiqutte.what are netiqutte's?it is things that everyone knows.i would tell my friends to be a good netiqutte.and also other poeple in the world!.......

Wednesday, June 25, 2008

P.E attire

Hi,i have a very good news for you.My school has brought out that whenever we have P.E lesson's,we may wear our attire the whole day.Ireally like that.it is fun and we have more time to eat and rest.and also,it is very comfortable.i really like my school and the way they organise the things.I AM SO LUCKY TO BE IN SCHOOL...

Holiday Blog Posting

Hi everyone!I am having a lot of fun during my holiday's.What about you all?I just wanted to share wiht you all my about my holiday;s like,how i spend time and what i did.Firstly,i went to watch thepicture "Incredible Hulk"in Singapore and hade lots of fun.The movie was coolissimo.After that i went to the E-ZONE.It was totally cool.I really enjoyed myself.It was the coolest day i ever had in my life!

Tuesday, May 20, 2008

Personal Response 5:Earthquakes

Hello everyone.today i want to talk about the earthquake inccident which took place a few days ago in China.i was very touched to see the children begging for food.that is why my parents has told me to finish whatever food i eat.in school i finish it too.so do you all finish your food daily?if yes then you have the same horoscope as me. nevermind let us skip this topic.do you like feel the same as me?then you are a Saggitarious.i must leave now.bye

Personal response 4:child safety belt in a school bus

yo everyone.i am very shocked for the inccident a few days ago.the inccident is a boy who got killed in the bus since the driver gave a sudden brack.thats a poor little boy.thets why when i go on a bus or a car trip,as a good role model i put on my safety belt.oopsy,i am late for bed .just remember what i said .bye.toodles.

Reflection 5:My Mother

Hey everyone.i am going to share something about my mother today.as you all know my mom is as preety as a princess or should i say preetier than them???nevermind.ok,let us get serious now.my mom is someone who i will never forget.i am saying this not because everyone is going to see it but because i am really telling it from my heart!she was always there for me as in she took after me,teached me and also kept me in her stomach for 10 months.can you believe it ,once upon a time you were like like a skinny little worm in the stomach and then when you grew a little bigger , you started to kick your mom's stomach and now we are so big.some of us appreciate but others totally are so rude to their parent's.before i finish,let me ask you something.do you think the father's are better or the mother's are better?don't forget to reply in my comment's list.bye.once again HAPPY MOTHER'S DAY

Friday, May 16, 2008

Refllection 4:Food sold in our canteen

Yo,this is keerthigah here as you all know!i want to talk about the food which are sold in our canteen!they are not just yummy but delicioussimo!!!i like stall 8 and stall 4 the most!in stall 4 there is a food which isknown as Maccroni,that is just so terrificco!and in stall 8 i like the Nasi Lemak,especcially the spicy chilly.sorry i got to go now!if you want to know more just leave a comment tome at my blog!Bye!!!

Sunday, May 11, 2008


Hi everyone!Today i want to tell you all about my new advertisement!It is the latest sport car and everyone rated it as the latest buzz!It is the grand Maserati sport car!It has the best gear,and is more expensive then any other sport car!If you want to see or know more about this car,without any hesisitation,go to the the showroom or buy it and try it!But before using it you must have a licence if not it will be faster then a roller coaster!!!so try it now!

Wednesday, April 23, 2008

Reflection 3:Friendship

I want to talk about friendship to you all.I have a best friend named Ashley Teo who is nearly like my sister.She is very kind and helpful to me!Friendship should be something like caring for each other and being together without fighting.I think it is important to have friends because they can help you and you can help them in return and also you can have someone to entertain you and make you smile always.I would want to see more things about friendship next year like me and Ashley Teo Ke Yun............

Personal Response 3:Hand Food and mouth disease

Nice to meet you all again.Today i want to talk to you about Hand,Food and Mouth Disease.This is a disease which can spread around easily.I have some tips on how you can tell weather your friend has HFMD.Firstly,if your friend starts to cough,sneeze or has rashes,immediatly tell your teacher.Then your teacher will bring he or she to the sick bay.Then they can call he or she's mother to come to bring them to the clinic to check them.If you do that you will not have HFMD and your friend will not have HFMD.HFMD can even ocur among children below five.One more thing ,my advise to you all is if you have HFMD,don't come to school .Please heed my advise...........

Wednesday, April 16, 2008

Personal Response 2:Courtesy

hi everyone! today i am going to talk to you all about courtesy!this is something about caring,caring for people who are not as fortunate as we are.meaning,people who are disabled,blind and many more.have you all helped someone who is less fortunate?but i have once.let me tell you that story.last year,it was my school holidays and my mom asked me to go to the market for her to buy some meat.so i had to walk there.while i was waiting at the traffic light,an old woman was coming out of the market with heavy things on her hand.she was very exhausted and looked like she can faint.har hands was red and her face was even red.soon the light changed to the green man and everyone started to cross the road.the old lady was not able to walk with the things anymore i went there and asked her"may i help you?".her face started to widen with a smile on her face.she said "oh yes you may!".i carried some of the things and dropped it in her house.once i put the things down,she said"thank you,you have a very good heart.and your parents have teached you good manners for elders.may you god bless you always".i was very enlightened and went to the market,bought whatever my mom asked and went back home.then i told my mom whatever happened.she told me that i have a good heart and havr courtesy.i was praised by her. she was happy for me.i will never forget that day until today.

Wednesday, April 2, 2008

Reflection2 :My dream!!!

My dream is to become a good athelet and also a good gymnast.If i want to be that,i should give my best in everything i do.Tomorrow is Sports Day,i am really ready to run tomorrow.We are going to the Yio Chu Kang stadium.It is quite big but my dad has gave me some tips.He said if i follow that tips,i can run faster than anyone else.I am really looking forward for tomorrow.Fof my gym,i want to go for many competitions and win prizes like medals.For my older 30 years old,i would want to be a doctor.........

Wednesday, March 19, 2008

Reflection1:Looking Forward

I am keerthigah as you all know.I love school.it is really fun.I had a very fun holiday.now,it is Term 2 a very serious term.But i want to make some recalls about my Term 1 tests.I didn't do well either.But still i tried my best.My maths was too low.Do u know something?i was the 4th girl in class for my tamil.I was extremely happy.My parents were happy for me too.But i wanted to be a doctor so that has nothing to do with my tamil.So they asked me to do well

Wednesday, February 20, 2008

social studies learning journey

Hi,my name is keerthigah.i am studying in ANDERSON PRIMARY SCHOOL as a p5 student.Now i am going to tell you more about my Social Studies Learning Journey.We went to the Old Ford Factory first.we first watched a animated war of the Malay Regiment vs the Japanese.it was sad that the Malay Regiment lost to the japanese.After that we went to the museum. And a young generation boy told us more about the War of the Malay Regiment against the Japanese Soldiers.He also asked us to move around and see all the different articles that was pasted there.He even explained to us every single article.Some students were not listening,but he didn't wanted to scold us and so he carried on.Then he went to one article which i sawand was about to cry.But luckily,Ashley was there like my sister to cheer me up!And do u know what article it was?Do u remember the Japanese took over singapore and named it as "Light Of The South"?At that period of time,the small children were picking up rice grains for a living.And do you know that if the Japanese Soldiers identified anyone as enemies,they would be taken to various beaches in Singapore and these people who were identified as enimies never returned after they reached the beach.Do you know what happened to those people?Just make a guess!You can tell me once you read this blog.Also chinese men between 18 to 50 years old were taken to screening centres.After that there were words called "Examined" pasted on their hands.I wish such generations will not repeat in this world again!

Wednesday, February 13, 2008

Personal Response1 :RACIAL HARMONY DAY!!!

Good afternoon everyone!i am keerthigah as you all know!today i am here to talk to you about Racial Harmony Day which celebrations were taken in my school.One of my friend named syairah who is a malay,wore her malay batik.It was really beautiful,you should have seen it.I wore my indian costume called Panjabi suit.Most of my friend said it was nice,and i said Thank You.A few teachers acted out a assembly about racial harmony day it was really fun and exciting.I really liked the chinese thing.Firstly,it was chinese new year,and a teacher sweeped the floor and the lady"it is chinese new year,and if you sweep the floor it is like sweeping away the good luck"she exclimed!that was the thing that made me laugh the most...We also hade a half-an-hour maths lesson with our teacher Mr.Ong.I really enjoyed myself there.It was the most happiest day of my life!I will never forget that day!!!