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Wednesday, April 16, 2008

Personal Response 2:Courtesy

hi everyone! today i am going to talk to you all about courtesy!this is something about caring,caring for people who are not as fortunate as we are.meaning,people who are disabled,blind and many more.have you all helped someone who is less fortunate?but i have once.let me tell you that story.last year,it was my school holidays and my mom asked me to go to the market for her to buy some meat.so i had to walk there.while i was waiting at the traffic light,an old woman was coming out of the market with heavy things on her hand.she was very exhausted and looked like she can faint.har hands was red and her face was even red.soon the light changed to the green man and everyone started to cross the road.the old lady was not able to walk with the things anymore i went there and asked her"may i help you?".her face started to widen with a smile on her face.she said "oh yes you may!".i carried some of the things and dropped it in her house.once i put the things down,she said"thank you,you have a very good heart.and your parents have teached you good manners for elders.may you god bless you always".i was very enlightened and went to the market,bought whatever my mom asked and went back home.then i told my mom whatever happened.she told me that i have a good heart and havr courtesy.i was praised by her. she was happy for me.i will never forget that day until today.


POP said...

Add more pictures your blog will look great!!!!!!!!!!