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Thursday, January 22, 2009

The tooth fairy

Hi everyone!Long time no see....I wanted to talk about the tooth fairy.I am sure you all know the tooth fairy.Now,i got some information about her.I am sure you are ready to listen.Firstly,she only comes when a child has lost a tooth Commonly,she is very small and comes in the night.Once she has taken the tooth,she leaves monetary reimbursement under the pillow like anything from ten cents to a dollar.The teeth are then taken to her tower,and used for her purposes.Folklore and legend surround each fairy tale.It is reasonable to think that the tooth fairy legend is originated from a place where folklore and legend are tradition,namely,England,or Ireland.Tradition in England holds that if a child's tooth falls out,it must be thrown into the fire.This is because the child's parents don't wish any evil eyes to attack their childrens.This is the only information i have.i hope you had learned alot about the tooth fairy today.So remember,when your tooth falls off leave it under your pillow so that you can get ten cents to a dollar.Nah!Just kidding.

Yours truly,
