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Wednesday, February 18, 2009

Activities outside school

hi everyone!i would like to tell to you about some activities i have been doing outside school!i usually go for tuition only and some hip hop classes.i have learned many new stepz.but i still haven't gone for any competitions.but i still hope that i will go to at least one competition.my tuition is on the weekends.which is on saturday,for my maths and science.i will go to kumon.they teach well there.i hope i will improve in my two subjects....and usually i go to Yio Chu Kang to the stadium and practice my running skills.but the best part is,i am taking part in this years sports day which is on the 6th of march.i look forward to see you all there.the events i am taking part in is 300m,600m and 4x100m relay.i hope i will get 3 medals before i leave this school.go topaz!!!!!!!!