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Friday, April 10, 2009

T1W10 Journal Writing : Sports and School Sports Day

To me i love sports.For me sports is very important.As people who are overweight can lose weight.And also it is a very healthy exercise.i just only took part in m school sports day.and i got second prize.i was proud of myself.i practised very hard with my dad as he was a National runner in his teenage years.i really salute my dad as while running, he could also cope in his studies.and he went to express after his PSLE.as far as i knw,you can do any sports as you want but you have to always remember to concentrate on your studies.because without a degree in studies,you cannot do anything in Singapore.i had an very bad experience last year.i was selected to join my school's track and field CCA.i was too into the trainings and came home everyday at around 7p.m and hardly had time to tudy for my exams.and by the End-Of -Year Examinations i really started to cry.i flung in all my important subjects.and my mom stopped me from taking any CCA's this year.i am so sad.but i know that this year i am taking my PSLE Examiniations and i know whatever my mom is doing it is for my own good.this year i have decided to concentrate on my studies.i have sacrificed my most favourite hobbies unil my PSLE Examinations are over.i want to go to Ang Mo Kio Secondary School Express Stream next year.i have this goal and dream in my mind for more than 5 years already.i will do it and show it to everyone.and will never dissapoint my parents....